Thank you for tuning into another week of the Youth Ministry Broadcast. It has been an exciting few weeks for youth ministry.
On December 3, several middle school youth attended a junior youth CON at Channing Church in Rockland. Around 40 youth from different congregations came together and made a covenant, participated in community building workshops, had a talent/no talent show, and participated in a youth lead worship.The next junior youth CON will be April 29th.
On December 4, the 5th and 6th grade classes made cookies that several members of youth group took to the UU Urban Ministry Holiday Party. The youth group has been volunteering at the Urban Ministry’s holiday party for the last couple of years. This year, the youth decorated cookies with the children from the Explorer’s Club and Renewal House.
This coming Sunday is the youth group holiday party and Coffee House kick off! We will meet in the youth group room after the service for food, holiday activities, and to discuss Coffee House, which will be on March 4.
A few upcoming youth events!
March 4– Coffee House
March 17-19– UUBAY Service Overnight- The overnight is all UU Boston Area Youth that will focus on service projects throughout the weekend.
March 26– FUUSN Field Day- This is an event for 5th-12th grade junior and senior youth. We will be spending a day at Project Adventure on their high/low ropes course. It will be a day of teambuilding, leadership, and fun. Best, Dani