FUUSN Survey Results: Many Views, a Shared Love of Community

Last Thursday evening, 24 of you gathered via Zoom to learn about and discuss the results of FUUSN’s recent membership survey. The data is interesting, it’s helpful, and in some ways, I found it surprising. Just as important, though, was the discussion that followed. It was caring, thoughtful, self-reflective, and robust. We didn’t come up with any answers or plans, but I felt, among those on the call, a deep connection, care for each other, and care for the FUUSN community.

It might not surprise you that survey respondents expressed a wide variety of opinions on everything from coffee hour and  Zoom services to the activities that help you to feel connected at FUUSN. The unifying factor is how much everyone loves this community and wants it to continue to thrive.

The discussion was robust–and I hope that we’ll have another discussion about this survey data. If you’re interested, please let me know. I’m happy to set up another Zoom call, and to consider an in-person event. I’m also happy to talk about the survey one-on-one. Please email me if you’d like to do so.

In any event, the survey data is informing me, and will inform the member services committee as we look to FUUSN’s future. You can find the results presentation here, and my analysis and takeaways are here.

-Heather (heather@fuusn.org)

More Membership Notes:

Do you like podcasts? Do you like summer? If you answered “yes” to both of these questions, you might like to try a pop-up podcast discussion group this summer. During this one-time event, we will listen to a podcast episode at home, then meet in person to discuss it. Following on the heels of last month’s trauma-informed leadership retreat at FUUSN, we will listen to a November 2021 episode of OnBeing featuring Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score. We need at least three people to RSVP for the event to take place. Please let Membership Coordinator Heather Beasley Doyle know if you are interested.

Do you still feel new and want to connect with other FUUSNites? The member services committee will be organizing a potluck for newcomers the weekend of June 18 at 6 p.m. at Barbara Niles and Jay Flynn’s home. If you’re interested, please email Member Services Committee Chair Wayne Everett (wayneeverettma@gmail.com) or Heather Beasley Doyle.

Consider Joining the Member Services Committee! Whether you’re fascinated by the membership survey results, have a vision for FUUSN, love connecting with folks on Monday mornings, or want to help build some great programming and events here, please consider joining the Member Services Committee for the 2022-2023 church year. If you’re interested or have questions, please contact Heather.