FUUSN Finances
Where does our money come from?
- Us. Approximately 70% of our budget comes from the pledges of our members and friends made during the Annual Budget Drive.
- Our Building. Our church works hard: we rent out the bell tower for a cell phone transmitter, the classrooms to a nursery school during the week, and to a Hebrew school on Saturdays.
- Fundraisers. We sell Christmas trees, we have a holiday fair, and we hold a services auction. It’s fun, and it helps.
- Our Endowment. The endowment is small. We spend approximately 4% of it every year, leaving the rest to grow for the future, but this covers only a small portion of our expenses.
Where does our money go?
- Building. Our beautiful, 110-year-old building is a treasure and a responsibility. We need to keep it well-maintained so that it can continue to be our home.
- Ministry. Our minister is a professional who deserves and needs to be paid appropriately and given the resources she requires to continue to do her job well.
- Office. Keeping FUUSN running is a full- time job. There is considerable behind- the-scenes administration for which we need to pay.
- Music. Our music director, organist, and guest musicians all need to be paid for the crucial role they play in our services, and we need to pay for scores and other supplies.
- Committees. FUUSN is a hot-bed of activity. Our members give their time; the congregation ensures that they have the basic resources they require.
- Religious Education. Many members give generously of their time to reach RE classes, but we also need professionals to administer the program, and we need to supply learning materials.
- Unitarian Universalist Association. We pay dues so that our broader movement of people fighting for religious freedom and social justice may continue.
All of the above information can be found in our FUUSN “Building Bridges” brochure.