When we give our treasure, time, and talent in support of FUUSN’s mission, we are expressing a core value of all religious persons: generosity.
Annual Pledge Drive
Please visit the Annual Pledge Drive page to pledge your support for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
Legacy Circle
Include FUUSN in your estate plans and contribute to its permanent endowment. Learn more here.
Paying Your Pledge
When it comes time to pay your pledge, you can do so a variety of ways — by check, marketable securities, electronic fund transfer, or electronically on this website. All of these options include paying on whatever schedule works best for you — weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.
Checks should be made out to First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, with the church fiscal year indicated at the bottom. *Please note that the bylaw change altering the name of the congregation to First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton has not yet taken effect, and checks should be made out to the Society under its older, shorter name until further notice.
- If you have questions about pledging, contact your Budget Drive volunteers at
You may pay your pledge with a donation of Stocks or Securities. Please use this form to notify us of your stock donation.
- You can also pay your pledge electronically.
- For your reference, FUUSN’s Tax ID Number is: 04-2104198