FUUSN uses an online membership directory system called Realm. Members of the congregation who wish to access the directory and/or update their personal information can create a password protected login account on the Realm website.

How do I find the directory? Navigate to https://onrealm.org and remember to bookmark the login page in your browser.  Or use the link in the Connection menu on the FUSN web site. 

I don’t have a login and password. If you are a FUUSN member, contact the office staff to request a Realm login account. You will receive an email with instructions about how to create your account and access the directory.

Is there a print directory? Yes. A print version of the directory is available for $5.00. Please contact the administrator at 617-527-3203 to request a copy.

Online Directory Guides

How to Login to Realm & Search the Directory

How to Update Your Profile Information

How to Add Your Profile Photo

How to Update Your Privacy Settings

How to Manage Your Families’ Information