Dear FUUSN Families, Teachers, Mentors and Community,
As you know, FUUSN leadership has decided to close the building to all in person worship and congregational activities for the time being. This includes gathering for religious education classes. The board will reevaluate this decision at the end of January. Until then, any religious education events happen online or outdoors.
Currently, I am working with RE volunteers to organize some online and/or outdoor programming for Building Bridges (7th/8th) and Coming of Age (9th) in January. The start of OWL programming (K-2nd and 5th/6th) will be delayed until we are back in person. Other opportunities for RE engagement are still being determined, and more information will be available later this week.
In addition to virtual RE programming for children, we are planning to offer an opportunity for parents to gather over zoom in January for support and conversation.
I’m grateful for every ounce of time and connection we clocked in person this fall! The vaccine is protecting many of us and our loved ones from serious illness. There is much to be grateful for, and still so much challenge to face every day. We will navigate it together.
Amanda Graff
Director of Lifespan Religious Education
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Newton