Movie Night – Saturday, February 5

“Game Changers” Movie Night on February 5

“Hey, where do you get your protein?”

If you have asked this question, or wondered whether you can meet your nutritional needs through plant-based eating, please join us for a discussion on Zoom of “Game Changers.”

Participants should watch the 1 hour 25 minute film ahead of time, which is available on Netflix, YouTube and other platforms. Feel free to take notes and/or write down any questions that arise. To see a preview and get information about the film, go to

Presented by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, Novak Djokovic and Chris Paul, Game Changers is a revolutionary new film about meat, protein and strength. The film addresses how to optimize your athletic performance and general health by increasing your intake of plant-based protein, with commentary by some of the world’s greatest athletes and physicians. The health benefits of a plant-based diet are discussed for male and female athletes, and also for folks of all ages and fitness levels.

Jeff Baker and Brenda Asis will then lead a discussion of the movie on Zoom on Saturday night, February 5, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. They will invite participants to share their reactions to the movie, discuss the health effects of a plant-based diet, share strategies for changing your diet, provide resources, answer questions, and facilitate discussion among participants about the joys and challenges of moving towards a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle.

All are welcome, and there is no need to RSVP. The Zoom details are below. If you would like to submit questions in advance, or have any questions about the event, please email

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 1006 0667
Passcode: 293729

This event is sponsored by the UU Plant-Based Eating Club. You are invited to visit our page on the FUUSN website at