Plant Based Food Gatherings

Learn How to Make Plant-Based Breakfast and Brunch Dishes with the Plant-Based Eating Club on April 1!

Exciting news! The UU Plant-Based Eating Club is starting a new series, titled Cooking Together, in which participants will get hands-on experience making healthy, mouth-watering, plant-based recipes, and of course have a chance to taste and enjoy the food we made. 

The first session will focus on breakfast and brunch recipes. We will meet in the FUUSN kitchen on Saturday, April 1, from 11:00 – 1:00, and make recipes that may include pancakes, breakfast tacos, omelets, tofu scramble, and the fabulous Berry-Stuffed Breakfast Sweet Potato from the Forks Over Knives website. We will poll the participants ahead of time to ascertain dietary preferences and “wish lists” for plant-based breakfast recipes. All of the foods we make will be completely plant-based, with no milk, cheese, or egg (in other words, vegan rather than vegetarian).

Space is limited to 12 participants. If there is sufficient interest, we may start a waiting list and/or offer a second session. Please RSVP at