Pledge Drive Update and Learn about FUUSN: Spotlight Member Services

Incentive Challenge Met!
Thanks to those of you who pledged and to many of you who increased your pledges (and of course to the anonymous donors!) we met the full incentive (with a few pledges to spare!) last Sunday. This brings an additional $8,000 into FUUSN. Great work everyone!

Pledge Status: 190 Pledgers have pledged a total of $527,268 – we are 86% to our goal but need another $88K!

Haven’t Pledged yet?
There are two very easy ways to do it:
Online pledge link:
Email pledge amount to

When a Steward Calls….
…answer the call! (OR PLEDGE!!!) Annual Pledge Drive stewards are hard at work contacting people who have not yet pledged. Answer their email or their phone call! Chat with an old friend or make a new one.

Community Engagement Survey – Quote of the week: “I am happy to have been part of the community for 33 years & treasure the friendships I’ve made, the experiences I’ve had and the support the community has provided.”
Have you done your survey yet? It takes only 5 minutes! Community Engagement Survey (
We have received 120 survey responses so far

Learn about FUUSN Spotlight: Member Services

FUUSN is a robust and thriving community of passionate, committed members and friends! Your Member Services Committee works to make each person feel welcomed, seen and supported.

We’re working on many fronts to bring people together to build strong and lasting relationships.

The Sunday morning and first year team endeavors to make sure everyone is warmly greeted on Sunday mornings, host smaller-group conversation through alternative coffee hours and potlucks for newcomers and connect people with their areas of interest.

The Welcoming Table on Sunday morning

Greeting on Sunday Morning!

  • The Communications Team has been working on improving internal communications and an updated website to reach outside our walls. 
  • The Lifespan Team helps to build ongoing connections through social events and small group ministries.  This group is also responsible for Dinners for 7.  If you are interested in being a host or in participating in the next Dinner on May 13, please email Lynne Karlson at !

With so many things happening and so many people who want to engage, it is critical that consistent and accurate information is conveyed. We want currently-engaged folks to easily know what is happening, when and where and how to be involved! And we want to be purposefully sharing word of events at FUUSN to attract and engage the wider community.

Communications and Technology Coordinator 

Our 2023-24 budget includes a reconfiguration of staff roles to accelerate engagement among members and friends and do intentional outreach to prospective members. This half-time role will support effective internal communications, help committee chairs and event coordinators get the word out on social media and our new website, and submit articles and announcements of FUUSN events in local media outlets. They will also help us stay up to date with Zoom security and technical advances and help maximize the use of our Realm database to keep congregants connected to essential information.

If you have any questions about Member Services or would like to join the committee, please contact Connie Stubbs at .

None of FUUSN’s Member Services happen without your time, talent and treasure!   Fill out the Community Engagement Survey and Pledge here 2023 Annual Pledge Drive – First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton (