The Legacy Circle Committee is very grateful and pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the Building FUUSN’s Future appeal.
Inaugurated in 2011, the Legacy Circle comprises members and friends of FUUSN who have included the congregation in their estate plan. The purpose is to ensure FUUSN’s future by strengthening its financial foundation– particularly its permanent endowment. This will ensure that the Society can continue to serve future generations in the Newton region and throughout the world.
In 2019, the Legacy Circle Committee began planning an appeal to encourage members and friends of FUUSN to join the Legacy Circle. The goal was to double the number of LC members, which stood at forty-five as of December 2018. Estate commitments of any amount were enthusiastically welcome.
During 2020, the FUUSN Board of Trustees, the Operations Council, and the current LC members endorsed the appeal, named Building FUUSN’s Future.
Twenty-one current LC members generously contributed to a matching fund to encourage others to join. This fund provided an immediate 10% match for the estate commitments of new members, and the fund ultimately grew to almost $70,000, with a cap of $10,000 placed on any particular match.
In fall 2020, the BFF appeal was officially launched, and many LC members participated by personally invited others in FUUSN to join during 2021 and 2022. Estate planning requires careful deliberation, as well as financial and legal steps, and the Legacy Circle grew steadily during those two years.
In March 2023, the appeal concluded successfully. The Legacy Circle membership now stands at ninety-seven, including several beloved members who have passed away and are remembered by us all. (See membership list attached.)
The entire matching fund was subscribed and has been conveyed to the permanent endowment by FUUSN’s Board of Investment. In addition, over $1.6 million in estate gifts for FUUSN may eventually be realized from the BFF appeal.
We would like to thank the FUUSN Board of Trustees, the Operations Council, the Board of Investment, the Treasurer’s staff, the current LC members, and those who pledged to the matching fund for all their support and encouragement over the last three years to reach this successful conclusion.
If you have questions or would like to consider joining the Legacy Circle, please contact the co-Chairs of the Legacy Circle Committee:
Bruce Kimball M: 781-771-9524
Brian Hicks M: 857-206-3360