Coming of Age – 8th Grade
This rite-of-passage program begins in the 7th grade year with the Building Bridges comparative religions program, and culminates in the 8th grade year, bridging their experiences with FUUSN’s Nursery-through-7th-grade Sunday morning program to the Youth Group. The COA program has four parts: Comparative Religions, Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education, social service, and a year-long relationship with an adult mentor who is a member of the FUUSN community. There is a weekend retreat in the fall and monthly Sunday morning program meetings throughout the year, culminating with a graduation service in May where each candidate affirms his or her personal beliefs in a credo to the congregation.
Coming of Age will not be done virtually this year 2020-2021. FUUSN will run Coming of Age for 9th graders (currently 8th graders) in 2021-2022 and again in 2022-2023 (for current 7th graders). For more information about 2020-2021 programming, please visit our Children’s Programming page.