We are pleased to announce that new Chalice Circles will begin this fall. Chalice Circles offer a structure for spiritual growth and the deepening of relationships within our beloved community. Together with a facilitator, small groups meet once a month from October to May to go deeper into the monthly worship themes, with a covenant to speak and listen from the heart.
A dedicated group of people are busy setting up circles to begin in October. We have heard many people express enthusiasm for the opportunity to be part of small group at FUUSN. Please watch for more information and sign ups in the coming weeks. You can learn more about Chalice Circles and sign up for a group after the service on Oct. 2. Additional questions? Please contact Ann Woodbury (ann@sulliwood.org or 617-852-9499) or Cindy Orrell (cindy.orrell@gmail.com or 617.901.6848).