Thanks For The Memories

As I complete my three-year term as a member of FUUSN’s Board of Trustees, along with Lesley Sneddon, next month, I’d like to acknowledge those members I came to know during my tenure.

Thank you Bobbie Sproat (Board Chair ’15-’16) for your tutelage and patience with me in my first year. I’ll not forget your kindness. My gratitude goes out to Jon Reuman, an experienced human resources asset, and Jackie Rohan, whom I dubbed “Dr. Spock” for her uncanny ability to reference most any UUA information on her tablet (Tricorder) quicker than you could pose the question. Both were BoT members in that first formative year of mine.

It was my second year when Brian Burba and Eric Haas came on board, both committed to our congregation’s growth and welfare, bringing their best to the table. Again, it’s been a pleasure serving with the two of you.

This past year found us with Cathy Morocco as chair when she selflessly volunteered her time with a second tour of duty, thank you for all your support. Josie Greene, our most recent addition, is constantly involved with multiple committees beyond her BoT duties, always showing up to our meetings having done her homework.

Thanks to all of you and to all of those who have served before Lesley and I and to those who will follow in our steps. I would also like to extend my appreciation to our minister Erin Splaine, the dedicated FUUSN staff and to all those who have volunteered their time and efforts in leadership roles here at FUUSN. With utmost respect for all,                                                                                                   Gregg DiBiaso