Social Action Project for Kids: Donate Items for Homeless Health Kits This Sunday

On Sunday, October 29, at 11:45, FUUSN kids of all ages are invited to gather in the Head Start Room and assemble health kits for the Community Day Center of Waltham, a program where a number of FUUSN members volunteer. The health kits will be distributed to our homeless neighbors, in keeping with the first UU principle affirming the inherent dignity and worth of every person. The kids can also design some cards to go inside the health kits.
We are hoping to make 50 health kits, and are seeking donations of items. You are welcome (and encouraged) to donate items even if you aren’t able to attend the kit-assembling meeting. Collection boxes will be available at the Welcome Table in the Parish Hall for the next three Sundays. Suggested donations include:
  • toothpaste (mini or travel size)
  • tissue packs
  • shampoo (mini or travel size)
  • deodorant (mini or travel size)
  • combs (small enough to fit in gallon storage bag)
  • disposable razors
  • granola bars (nut-free)
  • hand warmers
  • Q-tips (small packs)
  • shaving cream (mini or travel size)
  • soap (mini or travel size)
  • washcloths (new)
Feel free to donate items in quantities fewer than 50, although it would be fantastic if we could put together 50 reasonably full health kits.
Please sign up online to bring something and/or to let us know that you plan to attend on October 29. This will help us with the planning, and will let people know what items are needed most. But please don’t feel like you need to sign up in order to participate. All donations of supplies and assembling activity are welcome!
Children age 10 and under should be accompanied by an adult. If you have any questions, or you are an adult who is able to help with the event, please contact Susan Timberlake at -Julia Huston