St. Patrick’s Family Fun Night, Friday March 16

St. Paddy’s Day starts early at FUUSN!

Come for a multigenerational evening of fun and fellowship in the Parish Hall on Friday, March 16. We will gather at 5:30 p.m. to eat and have a good time together until around 8:00 p.m. Pizza and soft drinks will be served, but you are encouraged to bring a tasty side dish or dessert to share.

You can come for the whole evening, or for whatever time works best for you. RSVP to (or the Facebook event) so we have a rough idea of how much pizza to order. But don’t worry if you decide to come at the last minute: Everyone will be welcome. You don’t have to attend FUUSN to enjoy our Family Fun Nights, so friends and neighbors are welcome, too!

If you would like to bring some games, or if you have a favourite Fun Night activity, or if you would like to bring an instrument for a jam or singalong, or if you are inspired with an idea for how to make merry on St Paddy’s Eve, then get in touch and let me know! We could use some volunteers before and after (and possibly during) so it would be great to hear from you if you have a hand to lend.

There will be a $5 suggested donation per head at the door. Or you can bring some food to share at the potluck. Just be sure to label any food that contains nuts!

We look forward to seeing you there! -Samuel Foster