From its inception the Over 60s also has organized the following workshops and presentations for both the Over 60s cohort and the congregation as a whole.

Winter – 2019

February 3, 2019 – Panel Speakers: the directors of Newton Senior Center and Newton-at-Home organizations shared community information and resources.  Refreshment and Q+A followed.

Fall 2018 Events

  1. September 16, 2018 – Film: “Living While Dying”
  2. September 30, 2018 – Panel re: “Life Long Learning Opportunities in Boston Area: An Overview”
  3. October 21, 2018 – Chair Yoga; Head Start Room; 12 noon..
  4. October 28, 2018 – Speaker: Phebe Sessions, Ph.D. “New Insights in Aging” – Presentation, Film and Discussion.
  5. November 11, 2018 –Speaker: Michelle Boiardi, CDP, CADDCT. Dementia Specialist.  Cognitive Health and Brain Care.   Q+A.

Winter/Spring 2018 Events

  1. January 28, 2018 – Workshop on “Trauma of War on Families and Children” presented by author and film maker, Susan Hackley with the younger congregation members in mind as a whole.
  2. February 18, 18, 2018 –  Chair Yoga with Helaine Golann.
  3. March 4, 2018 – Presentation/Discussion with  John Nichols on “Spirituality and Aging: Do we get Older and Wiser?”
  4. April 27-29, 2018 –  Co-sponsor relationship with “Living Wisely, Dying Well“ project of a weekend of various workshops, presentations, performances in different venues in Newton including FUUSN re: issues of importance to our cohort.   FUUSN hosted the True Story Theater performing “Talking About Death With Loved Ones.”
  5. June 2018 -Panel presentation on alternative living arrangements and comparative residential settings.

Fall 2017 Events:

  1. September 17, 2017 – Presentation of “ Fun Things To Do“ offered in the Boston area, provided by Barry Cotton who has an eye to the senior pocketbook.
  2. November 5, 2017 – Workshop on  “Gratitude as Wisdom and Healing” by Karen Edwards, Ph.D.

Winter/Spring 2017 Events

  1. March 9, 2017 – a panel of elder specialists,  – a lawyer, an attorney, an elder care specialist organized by Adam Shamus, Real Estate Elder Specialist in Newton.
  2. March 23, 2017 – The Conversation Project which focused on planning difficult but important conversations with families and friends regarding decisions around terminal illnesses and death.
  3. April 23, 2017 – A workshop called “Legacies of the Heart” with nationally known author and speaker Meg Newhouse.