A Note from Erin

First, let me apologize to Pat Rohan and the Membership Committee for omitting their role and importance on Sunday morning. Pat (and others I think) will be part of the welcome for everyone new and not so new on Sunday morning.

Second, correct – we do not have a permit to have/serve alcohol.  All of which is a good thing because Amanda is organizing a multi-generational game of freeze tag!

Third, BYO-everything means that FUUSN will not be offering any food, beverage and/or means to cook. If you would like to bring a beverage (see #2) or snack for yourself please do. Keep in mind that FUUSN whether in the building or on the riverfront is a no-peanut zone.

Fourth, keep your questions coming because it means that you will be there after the service on Sunday!



Greetings All,

The number of times I’ve written, rewritten and started this note to you over again is many. I have been wrestling with how to say all that I want to – all that I need to in the perfect way to you all. If the last 18 or so months has taught me anything it is that there is no perfect, there is only the way we can do in the moment at hand. So, my message to you is this: I have missed you and in whatever way we can safely gather I am so looking forward to seeing you all.

So, here’s the plan. This Sunday we will have our usual(ish) Ingathering Water Sunday Service in our Sanctuary at 10:15. We will all be masked and we will not be singing hymns. We know that for many of you being together in person is still not safe and/or comfortable. As such, Jud Leonard, Bob Persons, Laurel Farnsworth, Fran Clancy, Anne Watson Born, and others I’m sure I’m forgetting are doing all sorts of technical wizardry to make live-streaming through Zoom possible. Below is the Zoom link for our Sunday Services for the year. Of course, we will publish the link many times in many ways. Every Sunday a Lay Minister will be on the Zoom call to welcome you and facilitate a virtual coffee hour after the service.

Because we need to make the building as safe as we can for our children, at least for now, there will be no in-person coffee hour at FUUSN. The big exception is this coming Sunday which you will have to keep reading to the end of the note to find out why. Further, we will have a traffic pattern in and out of the building for this Sunday which will be different from most other Sundays of the year. Water Sunday is a multi-generational service which means our children will be in the service the entire time. So for this Sunday we ask that families sit in the back of the Sanctuary as far away from the Choir singing (masked) as possible. Jeannie Chaisson, members of the Board and Operations Council will be present to help guide you, answer any questions, offer hand sanitizer/masks, and tell you how good it is to see you.

Are you confused yet? If so, it’s understandable there is a lot to consider. Yet, there is just a bit more and here’s the really fun part.

Because being outside is the safest and hopefully most complete way for all of us to gather, we have rented part of the Auburndale Cove from 11:00-2:00. Whether you are going to be at the service on-line or in-person I hope you will come to the Cove for what will be our only (at least for awhile) chance to gather together in-person. Our gathering will be BYO-everything and Amanda will have several fun activities for the children and young at heart. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Cove below is a link to the City’s website explaining where it is and how to get there.

In whatever way we can safely gather – I am so looking forward to seeing you all.


Sunday Service Zoom Link:

Join Zoom Meeting

The Cove:
