Annual Meeting

Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, June 11th this year, and will take place after our service.

Everyone is welcome to come to the meeting. Per our by-laws, people who have been official members for at least 30 days prior to June 11th are eligible to vote on any matters that come before the congregation at that meeting. We will be voting on our annual budget, and on the slate of candidates to fill open positions on our Board, Ops Council, Board of Investment, Moderator, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Clerk and Assistant Clerk. If you are interested in becoming a member, contact Devin Shmueli at, or reach out to him on Sunday morning after service.

We will have a hybrid meeting, allowing folks to attend and vote on zoom, as we did last year. We have made adjustments to the technology to improve the ability of zoom attendees to hear. We look forward to seeing you on June 11th.

Here is the link to the Annual Report