Appreciating FUUSN’s Strengths

As we launch the holiday season, I want to share a note of gratitude for all of the heart and soul that goes into making this congregation a thriving community. In no particular order, and certainly incomplete because I am new around these parts, here are some of the things I am appreciating as I get to know the FUUSN community:
• A spirit of collaboration and cooperation in the face of criticism or concern, and lay leaders who are willing to listen, stay curious and respond faithfully.

• A willingness to pitch in, pick up and make things happen: community breakfast, yard sale, tree unloading (and soon sales!), the holiday fair, the Christmas pageant…and so much more

• Deep dedication among those who week-in and week out make congregational life happen: coffee hour crew, the choir, religious exploration guides and aides, and of course our talented staff team

• Commitment to knitting together values-based community connections: the over 60’s group, plant based eating group, climate justice

• Devoted lay ministers supporting the congregation in times of need and carefully attending to long- and short-term pastoral needs

• Engagement with and support for our larger faith community conversations (Article II, UU Service Committee, UU Urban Ministry, and so many more)

• Supporting members and friends in justice projects around the region and around the globe

We’ll be building on these core strengths as we move through this interim time together. It is a delight to be with you on this journey.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rev. Parisa