Author: Fran Clancy

Summer Schedule for Rev. Parisa

The summer brings a change of pace both for FUUSN services (I hope you have checked out the great lineup Curt Lamb has organized!) and for staff. My summer schedule is as follows:

June 26-30 and July 10-14: In town and available by appointment … read more.

Summer Chime Concerts, a FUUSN tradition.

Announcing 2023 schedule:
Wednesday, July 12 at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 23 at 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 19 at 5:00 p.m.

All are invited to bring blankets or lawn chairs to FUUSN’s front lawn for a casual (free) concert. Feel free to bring a picnic … read more.

UU Plant-Based Eating Club


Our next in-person, large-group, gathering will be an outdoor picnic on July 8 (rain date July 9) at a group member’s home in Weston. We will take RSVP’s closer to the time. Save the dateLAST … read more.

Summer Services

FUUSN Summer Services 2023

July 2

July 9
Parish Hall only
The Church of Jazz
Church is where you find it. Join us for a jazz concert tuned to the qualities of human experience we look for in church. Geoff Hicks, celebrated local jazz artist … read more.

Memorial Service in June

FUUSN members and friends are invited and encouraged to attend the memorial services of members. Whether you were a close friend or a passing acquaintance, a big part of our commitment to one another is showing up for the families of those who have passed.

Kate … read more.


Vespers: Family / Vacation

Friday June 16

6pm (prelude music begins at 5:50)

Zoom in at:

Join us for a reflection on family, vacation and family vacations in our last Vespers service before we return in September! 

The Over 60s sponsors



Spiritual Autobiography

Retreat On Tuesday, June 20th from 10:30 – 3:00 pm

Alliance Room  – Bring brown bag lunch

Presenter/Guide: Jeanne Martin, MSW, MTS, Ed.D                            

Poet, Workshop Leader.

Jeanne will provide us with a valuable opportunity to dip into our sense of awe, wonder of meaning and purpose.  … read more.