The Care Crew is a group of volunteers who assist FUUSN members who have expressed a need such as rides, meals, visiting, etc. Until recently, these requests were fielded by the lay ministers who then contacted the Care Crew volunteers.
There have been some recent changes to the Care Crew processes. In March, I began working with the lay ministers and coordinating the Care Crew activities using, primarily, a website called Lotsahelpinghands. Through this website, I can send out emails to all volunteers with requests for assistance. Volunteers then go to the website calendar and sign up for the activity. If a volunteer is not interested in using the website calendar, they can email me directly and I will add their name.
If you thought you were on Care Crew but have not been getting emails from me and still want to be a member of the Care Crew, please email me and I will add you to the website. Also, new members are welcome, so email me your interest in joining and any questions you may have. My email is
Also, please feel free to contact me by email or the Care Crew phone number, 617-564-1769 if you would like assistance from the Care Crew. You may also discuss your need for assistance with a lay minister, if you prefer.
Sheila Ardery