Celebration of Erin’s Ministry

Please join us this Sunday May 22 after services for a celebration of Erin’s ministry. Lunch will be served outdoors right after the service. The celebration will also include a short program in the Parish Hall, starting around noon, complete with a slide show featuring events from the last 12 years.

We are asking folks who are able to bring a dessert to share (no nuts, not refrigerated). Desserts can be dropped off in the Alliance room before the service.

We will be following FUUSN’s Covid protocols—we will all be masked while indoors.

Looking forward to seeing you all! For those unable to attend, the program will be streamed over zoom (see link below).

Celebration planning committee,
Christine Lookner, Lisa Carbone, Susan Bartlett

Topic: Celebration
Time: May 22, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Passcode: 587515
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