Change in Membership Coordinator Position and Title

Dear FUUSN community,

This past spring, the Board of Trustees and the Operations Council voted to change the title and job description of Heather Beasley Doyle’s position from Membership Coordinator to Membership Director and this change is included in the budget approved by FUUSN membership at our annual meeting. The change reflects the fact that her role has shifted from the largely administrative and supportive work of the recent membership coordinators to one of co-leadership of FUUSN’s shared membership ministry. She will be working closely with the member services committee, serving as their co-chair (with 2022-2023 co-chair, Connie Stubbs). As director, she will support the committee’s and teams’ decisions and actions while also providing vision and strategic leadership, working collaboratively with staff and FUUSN congregants to engage and integrate visitors, members, and friends into the life of the congregation, and to develop a comprehensive communications and outreach strategy. Member services programs and communications strategy, will be developed with input from staff, congregational leaders, and other congregants.

We look forward to working with Heather in this capacity, and we know that she’s looking forward to connecting with all of you.

Demie Stathoplos, on behalf of the Board of Trustees
Susan Bartlett, on behalf of the Operations Council