From the Welcoming Congregation Team

June is Pride Month! Most Boston Pride events have been postponed due to the pandemic, but some are taking place (most virtually). The theme of this year’s Boston Pride is “The Rainbow After the Storm”.

Highlights of Boston Pride events taking place this June include:

June (month) – Pride Illumination of buildings throughout the City
June 4 – Virtual Pride Flag Raising Ceremony
June 7 – Boston Mayoral Candidate Forum webinar
June 8 – Pride Lights Virtual Ceremony at Blackstone Park and Franklin Square
June 9 – Pride Family Virtual Movie Night
June 10 – Pride Night @ Fenway Park (in person)
June 13 – Express Your Pride Campaign
One thing in which everyone can participate is the Express Your Pride campaign. Boston Pride encourages everyone to show their Pride by decorating their houses, apartments, windows, doors, porches, yards, cars, neighborhoods, (especially) their pets, Photos of decorations can be submitted to , or tag Instagram posts with @Boston.Pride .

Much more information can be found at

Other important dates in June:

Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S. Anniversary June 26

Stonewall Riots Anniversary June 28. The riots are largely regarded as a catalyst for the LGBTQ movement for civil rights in the United States.