FUUSN Adult Faith Development Task Force, Nov. 6 (and more)


Rev. Erin Splaine and DRE Rowan Van Ness convened our task force and charged us to:

  • Explore the diverse ways that FUUSN helps congregants develop all that is spiritual, meaningful, sacred, and religious;
  • Examine ways that FUUSN can, outside of weekly services, improve on its mission to develop all that is spiritual, meaningful, sacred, and religious;
  • Examine ways that FUUSN can connect more deeply to the enriching UUA denominational programming and curriculum offered through the “Adult Faith Development” initiatives;
  • Examine ways that FUUSN can learn from and possibly partner with other UU congregations in this mission.


Our Task Force work divides into two stages:

(1) gathering information (September through February) and

(2) reporting to the professional staff and to the Board of Trustees (March).

Our Stage 1 work includes four overlapping streams of activity, each led by one of our task force members:

  • Online- and Paper- Survey of the Congregation, forthcoming (Devon Welles, Task Force Chair)
  • Discussion/Focus Groups, in progress (Jenny Lerner)
  • Individual interviews with members of the FUUSN community, in progress (Peggy Ellertsen)
  • Interviews with Other Congregations and UUA Leaders, in progress (Andrew Morse)


Please look for announcements about upcoming activities and contact one or more of us to participate in any of these streams.

Next discussion/focus group will take place Sunday, November 6, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m., in the Alliance Room. Coffee, juice, bagels, and home-baked breakfast treats will be served. Please arrive early or on time. In order to facilitate discussion, doors to the discussion will be closed at 9:15 AM. Please RSVP by November 4 to adultfaith@fusn.org

Helpful links and contacts:

Task Force Email (Devon Welles): Adultfaith@fusn.org

Sign up soon to request an interview (time constrained): Peggy Ellertsen (pellertsen@aol.com)h