On Friday, October 28, we are once again going to be highlighting the Fun in FUUSN with a FUUSN Fun Night Halloween Party. Come for a multigenerational night of fellowship in the Parish Hall. We will gather at 5:30 p.m., to eat and have a good time together until 8:00 p.m. or so. You can come for the whole evening or for whatever time works best for you. Our plans for the evening:
- Food – We will order pizzas and provide soft drinks. A contribution of $5 and/or a side dish or dessert to share would be greatly appreciated.
- Games – There will be games for kids and adults alike. Feel free to bring your favorite game.
- Costume Contest – Make sure to wear your favorite costume. There will be prizes for the best kids and adults costumes.
Use Your Imagination – Feel free to bring any games, crafts, musical instruments or plan any other activities you think adults and/or kids would enjoy.
We have some folks lined up to help, but we can always use more help to set-up, organize activities and help with clean up. Please RSVP to Pat Rohan at jprohan@verizon.net if you plan on coming so we know how much pizza to
order. Also please let Pat know if you plan to bring food to share or to help organize an activity. But don’t worry if you decide to come at the last minute. Everyone will be welcome.
-Pat Rohan on behalf of the Member Services Comm.