FUUSN’s response to coronavirus

Last night (March 11), the Board of Trustees, Operations Council, Amanda and Erin met to discuss how FUUSN should best respond to the community spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) into Newton. Earlier in the day Erin and Amanda met with other Newton clergy and the Newton Health Department for updates and discussion. And as most of you are aware, Newton has cancelled all large gatherings hosted by the city involving the public.

In light of this new information, we concluded that the responsible action for slowing the spread of the coronavirus is to suspend all FUUSN group activities, including services, rehearsals, meetings, and parties, for at least the next four weeks at which time we will re-assess the situation. Thus, as of the end of the day Friday, FUUSN and its building will be closed to everyone except Pine Village, which adheres to the Newton schools schedule and will remain open at least for the time being.

We recognize that this is an unprecedented and disruptive decision which comes at a time when we are especially in need of each other’s caring presence, but we also believe that continuing to meet creates an unacceptable risk of contagion. Please know that during this period all staff, including hourly staff will continue to receive their salaries and will work remotely to the extent possible.

In the coming days and weeks we will look for ways that we can continue to connect with each other. Staff and lay leaders will explore creative avenues, including virtual gatherings to allow us to remain in community. Together we will get through this difficult period.

We will send regular updates via e-mail and facebook. All information will be posted on FUUSN’s website.


Chris Krebs on behalf of the Board of Trustees

Susan Bartlett on behalf of the Operations Council