You’re invited to find joy-filled renewal in community together with us by coming to Games for All Ages night Saturday, January 21st from 4:30-7:00. You can play with people your own age, older, younger, new or familiar. Could be bridge or Twister or Scrabble or Shoots and Ladders, checkers, who knows? Bring your favorite games and engage others, or learn something new. Whatever appeals to you.

The 4:30 to 7:00 timing is designed for those who like to be home early in the dark of winter. The 5:30 supper includes apps (veggies and dips), pizza (including vegan and gluten free for those who request ahead), and drinks (milk, tea, selzer).

If you plan to attend, email by Thursday, January 19th so we know how much food to order.

Hope you’ll join us!
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