If you are new to FUUSN, or still feel new, or would like more opportunities to meet people and get involved, there are some exciting events in the works that you should pencil into your calendars.
Looking for a way to meet other families at FUUSN? On Friday, March 16, we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with one of our popular Family Fun Nights. These are kid-friendly, intergenerational gatherings in the Parish Hall where the jukebox plays and pizza is served alongside whatever potluck food people feel inspired to contribute. You don’t need kids in tow to feel welcome at Family Fun Night: all ages are welcome to join in the revels! Doors open at 5:30 p.m., but you can show up at any time that suits you until close down at around 8:00. RSVP to Sam (sam@fusn.org) or on the Facebook event.
Thinking of joining the congregation? On Saturday, April 28, newcomers to FUUSN are invited to attend a “New to UU” workshop led by Rev. Erin Splaine in the Children’s Chapel. If you are new to Unitarian Universalism, the workshop provides a fun and engaging introduction to who we are and the values we stand for, while celebrating the diversity of spiritual paths that have brought each of us to where we are. If you are a longtime UU, but a newcomer to our congregation, the workshop is for you too! There will be presentations by key leaders, a historic tour of our building, and a general orientation that will help you to feel at home and connected at FUUSN. You don’t have to be a newcomer to attend: all are welcome! Programming will begin at 9:00 a.m. and will end at 12:30. Breakfast will be served and childcare will be available on request. RSVP to Sam (sam@fusn.org). Note that the April 18 date in the print edition of the newsletter was a typo. Sorry everyone!
Want to learn more about upcoming events and news? We have a print newsletter, mailed out every fortnight. We also have an electronic newsletter, emailed every week, which contains the announcements in the print version plus a few additions for the current week (you are reading it now!). We have an email listserv on which members of the congregation can post their own announcements and events (contact jud.leonard@gmail.com to sign up). And we have a closed Facebook group, which you can request to join by “friending” the group’s Facebook page.
Get in touch if you have any questions about events, becoming a member, or getting connected at FUUSN! –Samuel Foster, Membership Coordinator