Membership Notes: A Growing Effervescence (and a survey!)

Just a couple of weeks ago, life at FUUSN and beyond struck me as brackish–not quite one thing or the other, uncertain in many respects. While I still carry that feeling with me, it’s shifting, fragmenting. The uncertainty of changing covid regulations remains. The fear and horror at the war in Ukraine is new, and growing.

My Sunday mornings at FUUSN, however, offer something else: shared energy. It was great to see people in person for the first time on Feb. 20, and each week since has felt more effervescent than the last, with impromptu conversations in the sanctuary, to the joy of in-person music, to the din of voices during social hour. Meanwhile, I’ve heard that Zoom service attendees (and there are a lot of you!) have had some great conversations.

It feels good to be in a moment of relative freedom, choices and renewed connection–and to know that the energy is there, regardless of how you attend Sunday services.

As we move forward together, a few member services notes:

• I hope you’ll take a few minutes to fill out this anonymous membership survey. Many of the questions are quick and easy to answer. Some allow you the opportunity to elaborate. All are designed to help guide my thinking and collaborating with the member services committee, and around communication amid this time of change (this is unrelated to the interim search process). Please put the amount of time into the survey as you can and would like to. Please note: You can include your name at the bottom of the survey and request a time to talk with me directly, if you would like. Questions? Concerns? Please let me know (
• I’m enjoying meeting so many of you on Sunday mornings–and I have a really hard time remembering your names after we’ve met. Nametags really help, though, because I can picture your name and recognize you more easily later. The same is likely true for newcomers (and new people are visiting FUUSN in person!)–I hope you will be radically hospitable by wearing your nametag on Sunday mornings.

Upcoming Membership Events:
• Community breakfast, Sunday, April 10 before the service. Chris Dame ( and Susanne Greelish ( are spearheading the event.
• New Member recognition, Sunday, April 10 during service