
Glaube ohne Grenzen: Faith Without Borders

Your FUUSN musicians (and some friends from other congregations) will be traveling to Germany in May 2017 to participate in the first European Unitarian Assembly, welcoming Unitarians from all over Europe. I have been asked to be the Music Director for the event and have been communicating with musicians throughout Germany as we begin planning the worship services to be held at the meeting in Ulm.

We will also present concerts in Frankfurt, Munich, and Stuttgart, sharing the stage with local singers at each venue; for those concerts we’re busy learning 20+ pieces to take on tour. We will also visit museums, and parks, and historic towns such as Rothenberg ob der Tauer. We will tour Dachau.

Here on the home front, we’ve held some fundraisers (want a sandwich?) to help defray some costs. We are preparing a video for a Faithify campaign to raise money to donate copies of Singing the Journey to the attendees of the Europäischer Unitariertag (Assembly of Unitarians in Europe). And we are planning our 2nd Annual FUUSN Musicians Concert, to be held February 12 at 1:00 pm in our Sanctuary. This is a free event (though we will gratefully accept donations for the tour!), featuring many of our fine FUUSN musicians playing all styles of music. It will be a wonderful event – please mark your calendars!        –Anne Watson Born