New signs at FUUSN:
If you are calling 911 or ordering pizza, FUUSN’s address is 1326 Washington Street.
The Operations Council was requested to consider acquiring a defibrillator and/or Narcan for emergencies in our building. We discussed this and came to the conclusion that spending money to acquire and maintain either of these and then taking time and effort to publicize the locations and use of these things could be unnecessarily duplicative when the Police Headquarters across the street is manned 24/7 and the Fire Station is minutes away. Both those services have a defibrillator and Narcan. Instead, we thought we should put signs in various public rooms that tell people our address, thus making a 911 call easy and effective. You will see folded cards with this information in various rooms. If you think we need them in other locations, just let us know. We can put them any where there is a table and we can put them on a wall if needed.