Operations Council

We are sorry that other responsibilities have made Rand Stone have to step down from the Operations Council this summer but are delighted to have Eric Haas take his place. Thank you, Eric, for coming on to this part of FUUSN’s governance.

We had a summer of successful painting and cleaning and floor refinishing to keep our spaces clean and fresh. Water-damaged walls in the Ladies Parlor, Tower Room, and stairwell from the Narthex to the balcony were all repaired, along with a troubled spot in the back of the Sanctuary. Electrical wiring in the stairwell has also been repaired. This was caused by a serious leak from exterior masonry cracking. Floors were refinished in the Alliance Room and Ladies Parlor and in the hallway between the two rooms. We are still waiting on news of the parking lot work being done. We will keep you updated as we hear.

Jud Leonard inaugurated a new film series this summer in the Alliance Room with our new projector and screen there. Check it out if you haven’t seen it already. This allows our Family Choir to practice in the Chapel with a piano after Sunday Service while others can watch a movie or a presentation.

We have a new tenant this year. The Newton Theatre Company Children’s workshop is here on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Please welcome them. Laurel Farnsworth