Operations Council

Holiday Fair results: Our total (before expenses) take from both the Yard Sale in November and the Holiday Fair in December was $22,029.72. We had expenses for signs and pizza, etc. but it was a wildly successful two weekends thanks to more people than I can list in this newsletter. We had wonderful volunteers for both weekends and welcomed newcomers and old-timers who come back to share in this work and community. Ruth Comstock, Judy Curby and I, the three co-chairs, felt supported and part of a very large team of smart, hardworking people.

We had a surprise addition of a youth team from a UU congregation in Virginia who were amazing helpers in cleaning up the Yard Sale. Breaking the event into two days seemed much more understood this year after last year’s experimental start and contributed to a bigger success. Almost every part of the event made more money, particularly lunch. Gifts table receipts were raised up by the jams, jellies, sauces, pickles, etc. that came in honor of Marion Bullitt. Many thanks to all who contributed new items here. It was a very successful addition to the fair.

We will have a wrap up meeting in January after the holidays. We are hoping to have two new teams step up to lead these weekends separately but in a complementary way. Judy and Ruth and I are available as mentors, supporters, workers and will document all the details that we have perfected and those that could use new ideas. Stay tuned to see what we can do next year.                                                                                                     -Laurel Farnsworth