Orphans and Renegades Thanksgiving

As previously mentioned, the FUUSN Singles Group is going to have an Orphans and Renegades Thanksgiving.  (You’re an orphan if you have nowhere else to go, and a renegade if you don’t want to go where you are “supposed” to – and we never ask which.)

Activity: Thanksgiving dinner (turkey and trimmings to be provided; everyone brings something else to share; details to follow RSVP)

 Host: Barbara Schmitt (more hosts will be added if needed)

 Place:  Barbara’s house in Newton Corner                                     Time: Thursday, November 22 starting at 1 pm; dinner at 3(ish)     Who: FUUSN singles (kids welcome too), single friends of FUUSN   singles                                                                                             RSVP: Barbara Schmitt, celeryelectric@gmail.com

Thanksgiving is fast approaching – sign up now!  After all, honestly, doesn’t this sound like more fun than having to sit next to weird Uncle Cedric again? 

Looking forward to seeing some of you!