As previously mentioned, the FUUSN Singles Group is going to have an Orphans and Renegades Thanksgiving. (You’re an orphan if you have nowhere else to go, and a renegade if you don’t want to go where you are “supposed” to – and we never ask which.)
Activity: Thanksgiving dinner (turkey and trimmings to be provided; everyone brings something else to share; details to follow RSVP)
Host: Barbara Schmitt (more hosts will be added if needed)
Place: Barbara’s house in Newton Corner Time: Thursday, November 22 starting at 1 pm; dinner at 3(ish) Who: FUUSN singles (kids welcome too), single friends of FUUSN singles RSVP: Barbara Schmitt,
Thanksgiving is fast approaching – sign up now! After all, honestly, doesn’t this sound like more fun than having to sit next to weird Uncle Cedric again?
Looking forward to seeing some of you!