What is a cooperative children’s RE program?
A cooperative children’s Religious Education model means that the families whose children are in the RE program take the lead in teaching the RE classes. Other members of the congregation may teach as well, but the bulk of the teachers come from the participating families. Typically, parents are expected to teach an RE class or contribute in another significant way to RE every other year.
What does it look like to be a RE teacher?
Each class has a teaching team of 4 adult teachers and one youth teacher. Only 2 of the 4 adult teachers are responsible for each Sunday that RE classes are held. The commitment averages less than twice a month, and teachers are well supported by the RE staff. This equates to 10 – 12 teaching Sundays over the course of the church year for each teacher. By having flexible dates, your RE teaching schedule can work with your busy child’s sports and extracurricular calendar.
Can I teach my own child?
Yes! Some families prefer to teach their own children and get to know their children’s cohort, while others find it easier to teach other children. Either way works for the program.
I’ve never taught before, can I do it?
Definitely. Zero teaching experience is required. Lesson plans are provided for you weekly, along with the necessary materials. A teacher orientation and optional teacher workshops offer support and resources to help you build teaching skills and address any emerging challenges. Of course, Beth and Rowan are always available to help.
I don’t know enough about Unitarian Universalism to teach kids about it.
Teaching is a great way to learn!
How many volunteers does it take to run the program?
We need about 75 volunteers each year to staff our Lifespan Religious Education Program. This number includes Adult Faith Development, Children’s RE, Coming of Age, Youth Ministry for High Schoolers, and RE Council. This is why family participation is essential.
What’s in it for me?
Teachers make multi-generational connections, deepen their understanding of Unitarian Universalism, help kids grow and learn, and provide a vital service to our community. More than anything, it’s fun!
Still on the fence?
Speak to Rowan, Beth, or any of the volunteers at the RE Table during coffee hour. They will answer your questions or find someone that can.