Let’s come together on Friday evening, May 4, to celebrate our beloved Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Rowan Van Ness, who leaves for divinity school in June.

We’ll meet in the parish hall from 5:30 p.m. and stay till 8:00. The format will be Family Fun Night, so all ages are welcome! Jeannie will be bringing the ice cream sundaes (Rowan’s favorite!) and there will be pizza and beverages. But bring a potluck dish to share if you can. (No nuts, please!)

There will also be balloons—many balloons. And fun art activities for the kids. And wine for the adults.

To help us plan ahead, please register online. If you don’t have time to register, come along anyway!

We also need volunteers to tend bar and to help set up. Head over early if you can. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow evening!