Search Committee Established for the new DLRE

Your Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that we have established an excellent team for our DLRE Search Committee. The committee consists of Stephanie St. Pierre, Deborah Bennett, Urban Larson, Jen Van Campen, and Chris Gaebler. The Committee is still seeking youth participation – if you or someone you know may be interested please contact a committee member. This Committee has been charged by the Board of Trustees to identify our next DLRE, looking at options to hire either an Interim position or a Permanent DLRE to start this coming August. The Committee will be searching broadly with the goal of attracting a diverse field of candidates for this important position. A priority for the Board is to recruit a candidate ready to manage the broad array of RE programming across the lifespan at FUUSN while also continuing to help FUUSN grow and sustain our programming during this time of transition. The Board would like to thank the members of this Committee for volunteering their time and effort and look forward to welcoming a new DLRE to our community in August of 2022.