Archives: Services

June 25 – Responsible Investing

Zoom Only

There is increasing momentum behind a movement seeking to harness the power of business to promote the common good. This Sunday, Tim Brennan, a responsible investing consultant and former chief financial officer of the UUA, will help us understand the dynamics of this movement, … read more.

June 18 – Father’s Day

Parish Hall Only

A celebration of fathers and being a father. Bring memories of fathers in your life to honor together.

June 11 – Flower Ceremony – Rev. Parisa Parsa

This year marks 100 years since Norbert Čapek initiated the flower ceremony at the congregation he served in Prague. The flower ceremony is meant to celebrate the ways we come together, as individual, unique beings with beauty all our own, and create a great and … read more.

May 28 – Committing to Possibility – Kyle Belmont

Commitment can seem like a choice that relies on a binary — we can do this or that. Yet, is there space within commitment that’s actually expansive? This sermon seeks to interrogate the demands of commitment through a theology of abundance. 

Kyle M. Belmont … read more.

May 14 – Mother Rage – Rev. Parisa Parsa

Mother’s Day began out of the passions of prominent women to change conditions in their communities and for the nation, and yet within less than a generation it was domesticated into a sweet and gentle holiday when we say thanks to our mothers. What if … read more.

May 7 – Coming of Age

Theme for May is Commitment

This month we explore commitment in all kinds of ways: hearing the convictions of our Coming of Age youth at the culmination of their program; reflecting on the root of Mother’s Day in the righteous anger of women; exploring building lives … read more.

April 30 – Holy Humor – Rev. Parisa Parsa

This morning we explore the ways that joy in the form of laughter, silliness, and jokes can be a tool for surviving life’s challenges. Bring your favorite jokes or share them here (clean ones only, please) and we will share the laughs!