Support FUUSN Youth Programs!


As we wrap up this year’s youth ministry programs, I am looking to hear from people who might be interested in getting involved in supporting FUUSN’s youth programs next year (Sept 2018-June 2019)! FUUSN has thriving youth programs for high school youth, and there are many ways to get involved! This is a great opportunity to get to know our amazing youth and one that our youth group advisors and other supporters often find very meaningful!
Please email to let me know if you are interested in any of the following, or if you know someone at FUUSN who might be:
  • Becoming a Youth Group Adviser! (See attached job description)
  • Contributing your skills and experience by leading a youth group meeting or coordinating a time-limited project (ie. leading yoga, worship, workshops on social justice issues or youth leadership, coordinating a service project etc.)
  • Being asked to support at occasional youth group meetings (generally Sundays from 11:45-12:45) when youth group advisers aren’t available
  • Driving and/or chaperoning at/to events at FUUSN, field trips and/or overnights
  • Picking up snacks/food for meetings or events (FUUSN can offer reimbursement if you want/need it with reciepts)
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions! If you are interested but not sure what committment is best for you, let me know and I am happy to find a time to connect!
Dani Patrick, Youth Programs Coordinator