Thank UUs

FUUSN Breakfast Volunteers
FROM: Chris Dame
SUBJECT: Thank you for a successful FUUSN Community Breakfast today
Many thanks to all YOU hard working hands.
To Barbara and her stove cleaners. To the cookers in the kitchen under Ron’s ever-skillful direction, the set up crew’s resourcefulness when circular tablecloths failed to appear, their inventive Chinese New Year’s table decorations, the plant-based group’s precooking of delicious themed offerings, and shopping, for never-tiring Mike and his coffee-making assistants, for John’s never-ending feeding of the dishwasher and for the hand-wash pot cleaners and the end-of-the-day clean-up crew who left the hall and the kitchen clean and in good order.

I hereby pronounce the February Chinese New Year’s themed community breakfast a big community-building success, in spite of the fact that it occurred during local school vacation week.

Many folks spoke to me after the breakfast expressing their thanks to you all for producing a welcoming, somewhat new, and, as always delicious event. I believe we hosted about 65 to 75 people for paid breakfast, but many more afterwards during coffee hour when many of the left-over consumables were devoured. Julia will see that the remainder is delivered to a community nonprofit tomorrow.
I will check with church leaders about when is the best time to schedule the next community breakfast and be back to you with some options, so you can hopefully plan your participation.

Today, however, I just want to say Thank You!