Upcoming Holiday Services at FUUSN

Dear Friends,

On behalf of your FUUSN staff team, I want to share our excitement about the upcoming services celebrating winter holidays and offer you some details so you can plan your attendance accordingly. There are so many ways to celebrate life and love!

Sunday, December 18th Hanukkah will be celebrated during our Sunday service, with Devin Shmueli preaching. I will be with the kids making latkes for everyone to enjoy during social hour. This will be a hybrid service, though Zoom attendees will have to provide their own latkes.

Wednesday, December 21 we will celebrate the Solstice in our sanctuary, with a procession outside to light candles and welcome the sun’s return. We will share light refreshments in the Parish Hall after the service. This service will be in person only.

Saturday, December 24 is CHRISTMAS EVE

       5:00pm Pageant (a family-friendly service for all ages) will be in person only

       7:00pm Lessons and Carols will be a hybrid service, Zoom and in person

      10:30pm Music and Candles will be in person only

Would you like to participate? Here’s how!
Joyful pageant participants can sign up using this link  –
we now have almost a full cast thanks to Cora Jayadame’s rallying, but there is still room in the Inn!

Pageant rehearsals:
12pm Sunday December 18th
4pm Saturday December 24

Greeters, Readers and Zoom Hosts are welcome to sign up as well!
Sign up here to participate

In keeping with FUUSN tradition, we will celebrate the babies born among us in the past year by sharing their names during the 5pm and 7pm services. Please submit names to Fran at office@fusn.org to add a baby to the list.

We look forward to seeing you at one or more of these festive celebrations!

Parisa, Devin, Anne and Fran