Wheel of Life Service, Oct. 30

The lay ministers are planning the Wheel of Life service, which will take place on Sunday, October 30. This is an annual celebration of our FUUSN family with poetry and music.

We will be honoring family births, deaths, weddings, graduations, engagements, and notable life changes (new job, big move, etc). We welcome your contributions for the service. If you or anyone in your family has had a life transition during this past year, please send a note to me by email (jud.leonard@gmail.com) or give me a call (617 969-2623).

We are also again looking for original poetry (to be read by the lay ministers at the service) regarding birth, childhood, growing up, relationships, marriage, separation, life changes/transitions, and death. We invite you to submit poems for consideration in our planning of the service, and please understand that poems may or may not be used, depending on how many we receive and how they fit into the design and themes of the service. Thanks in advance for your submissions.

— Jud Leonard