Category: Minister

A Note From Erin

Last Spring the Racial Justice Ministry and R.E. Program, with leadership from the Board, made the commitment to bring “Living the Pledge to End Racism” curriculum to FUUSN. Created by members of our UU congregation in Richmond, VA. “Living the Pledge to End Racism” is … read more.

A Note From Erin

Many of you know that I have a Discretionary Fund that allows us all to help people find a way through difficult times. The Fund has paid utility bills, bought food, helped with housing assistance, medical bills and car repairs and so much more. It … read more.

A Note From Erin

FUUSN continues to be blessed with a hard-working and committed staff — Fran Clancy, Anne Watson Born, Amanda Graff, Beth Walton, Dani Patrick, Jaelynn Linares, Carson Cooman and Akela Franklin. This congregation, and its programs, would not be possible without them. It is a joy … read more.

A Note from Erin

It really does take a village to run an Annual Budget Drive. Thank you to Co-Chairs Brian Gill, Elisabeth Greer, and Julia Huston for creating a fun, informative and hopeful Budget Drive. If you haven’t yet, I hope you all will spend some time with … read more.

A Note From Erin

Congregation-wide Conversation Tuesday April 23 It has been so heartening to know that so many of you have taken part in our common read White Fragility; Why it’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Race these last few months. So far, more than … read more.

A Note From Erin

New Membership Coordinator

Pat Rohan, Hattie Kerwin Derrick, Danny Jones, Sharon Sisskind, Cora Jeyadame and I (aka the Membership Coordinator Search Committee) are happy to introduce you all to Jaelynn Linares! There are so many reasons the Committee was unanimous and enthusiastic in our decision to … read more.

A Note From Erin

Common Read and Conversation Groups Why is it so hard for me to talk about race? Why is it that often times my first internal reaction is defensiveness when challenged to look at my own skin privilege? These are just some of the questions that … read more.

A Note From Erin

Twenty years ago, and two days before her 35th birthday Rita Hester, an African-American transgender woman was murdered in Allston. Her death was the catalyst for Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) which is observed every November 20 as people all over the world hold vigils … read more.

A Conversation Group with Erin

How did you get to be you? What made you, you? What experiences, expectations, places you have lived, decade in which you were born, jobs you have held — how did all of that and so much more shape who you are today? Erin will … read more.

A Note from Erin

“I feel that the courage to expose one’s own spiritual beliefs and the ability to listen to others is essential for building community.”

This is how one of you responded to the work that Peggy Ellertsen, Jenny Lerner, Andrew Morse and Devon Welles did two years … read more.